This Just In ...

Click on the images on the right sidebar to see what the kids are up to!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am feeling, for now, a pulling back from this blog.

Who wants to read this stuff anyway? What do I really write about? Does anybody really care but me? And if I am the only one who really cares, then I am a narcissistic freak of grand proportions ... not to mention full of more pride than humanly possible.

Sometimes I have real things to share, like a yummy new recipe or how to make a fun t-shirt. But my other ramblings?

Rick says I should keep writing if only for myself because it is a place where I can get my thoughts out. He also said that he learns more about what's going on inside my head by reading my blog than he gets out of me personally.

Anyway. At this time I am obsessed with homeschooling and what I am sharing on that blog. The link is on the right sidebar. And, I still post regularly on Taulman Times: Special Edition to keep my family updated on the kids. That link is on the right, also. So, if you are one of the few who are actually curious about me and my family, you can see more than enough activity there.

There's nothing wrong with me. I'm not depressed. I'm not angry. I'm just bored with myself and more interested in my family right now.

Thanks for reading, and check in every once in a while to see if I've had a change of heart.

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